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Released: 01/10/2000

The Governor’s Budget Report for FY 2001 is published in two volumes. Volume 1 is a narrative summary of the Governor’s budget recommendations, while Volume 2 presents the budget in detail by agency program. (Note: Volume 2 is separated into four files, as shown below. All files are in pdf format.)

Technical Adjustments Memorandum Released: 02/17/2000

The FY 2001 Technical Adjustments Memorandum is published by the Division to correct technical errors made in The FY 2001 Governor’s Budget
. Note that these adjustments do not contain policy changes to the recommendations made by the Governor.

FY 2001 Technical Adjustments Memorandum

Governor’s Budget Amendments Released: 04/19/2000

The Governor’s Budget Amendments Memorandum is a formal document that was submitted to the 2000 Legislature on 04/19/2000. This document illustrates adjustments that would have been made to The FY 2001 Governor’s Budget Report had information been available at the time of original submission.

Governor’s Budget Amendments Memorandum