2025 Legislative Session Fiscal Note Response Template

When a state agency has been asked to furnish fiscal note information to the Division of the Budget, the following form must be used by all state agencies.  If you have any questions regarding the information requested, please contact your budget analyst.

Kansas Rules & Regulations–Economic Impact Statement for the Division of the Budget

The 2024 Legislature enacted HB 2648 that made various changes to the process for the adoption of administrative rules and regulations by state agencies.  The law generally prohibits the adoption of any rule or regulation that the economic impact statement indicates $1.0 million or more in implementation or compliance costs that are reasonably expected to be incurred by or passed along to businesses, local governments, or individuals during the initial five-year period following the adoption of the rule or regulation, unless the rule or regulation has been ratified by the Legislature by the enactment of a bill.  This requirement would not apply to temporary rules and regulations, rules and regulations proposed because of a federal mandate, or rules and regulations of the Kansas Agricultural Remediation Board.  The text of the law can be found here and the supplemental note from the Kansas Legislative Research Department can be found here.  The changes will become effective upon publication of the statute book (July 1, 2024).

The following Economic Impact Statement and information are for state agency use for the rules and regulations process, effective July 1, 2024:

FY 2026 Budget Instructions
with Budget Cost Indices and FY 2027 Biennial Salary Calculator

Agencies should use these updated instructions for making revisions to its FY 2026 budget submission on September 15, 2024.

  • Budget Instructions–FY 2026 (Including Budget Cost Indices)UPDATED 07.26.2024–Certain KPERS rates were updated on Page 89 & 90 (FY 2027 KPERS rate for biennial agencies, as well as FY 2026 nurse working after retirement rate.  UPDATED 07.03.2024–Page 93 was updated to correct FY 2026 cost indices for office space federal rates.
  • Biennial Agency Salary Calculator–FY2027 (Excel File) UPDATED 07.26.2024–The KPERS rate for FY 2027 was updated based upon the most recent actuarial valuation approved by the KPERS Board.

FY 2026 Capital Improvement Budget Forms for State Agencies

The FY 2026 Capital Improvement Budget Instructions to State Agencies and updated forms are now available for download.

Basics of Budgeting Seminar

On August 5, 2021, the Division of the Budget hosted a virtual “Basics of Budgeting” seminar via Microsoft Teams for state agency staff members who are new to the state budgeting process.  Seminar topics that were covered include the budget cycle, terminology, allocations, and budget mechanics.